Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I CANT BELIEVE MY PARENTS!! THEY ALWAYS GAVE ME EMPTY PROMISES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like today, I should go to tuition today 1, but, my mum ask me whether I got go tuition today anot, because she wanted to go "yum cha", then I said YES. When it's late, I call my mum and said that I'm late, then she said ok, then I close the phone heavily, I feel like I wanted to shout already.

I go prepare my things and then I look at d clock, and then I look at the door, no one is back. I was late for about 20 minutes and my mum still not back yet, then my head is full of " fire ", then I call my mum and said : "MA! NO NEED TO GO TUITION ALREADY LAH!!!!!!!" Before I shut the phone angrily, I heard my mum's friend hahaha smile, that means that my mum still at the place she not supose to be, my eyes suddenly full with tears and I run upstairs and shout cry sadly and angrily.

I was thinking that when I wanted to do something, my mum don't want, then when I don't want to do something, my mum want!! Like example, like today I wanted to go tuition, my mum said she'll fetch me to tuition, but she didnt! When I don't want to go tuition, she like ....I don't know what to say.......


Friday, August 21, 2009


"HAPPY~HAPPY~HAPPY!!!!" Today at about 6 o'clock(MALAYSIA time) , i go to melancong!!!!! You know I go where? I go_ _ _ _ _......Why I wanted to tell wo? It's PRIVATE!!!! Please don't think in the dirty way~ I know that you all is the kind of "dirty people" ~LOL~
Okay lah~ I tell, I tell...... I go to somewhere in Malaysia and, I go with my family but not my bf, because I don't have nether one nor some~ So please think in a good way because I hate people do that and laugh at me!! Okay?!
"Now, now, now...Back to your places everyone!! Okay...I'm going to pack my bag to go melancong! If u wanted to know where I go, please post a note at the comment there and I will think about it."

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hehehe because of H1N1 so no need to go school....but actually it's our freedom, u know? We can choose to go school or not. So i prefer to not go school for only today~
You know why? Because tomorrow I need to give my friend to write the " ji nian che", so I have to come. She is going to Australia no sooner... so must give her write....

bad thing, bad thing

OH MY GOD!! My school have 4 cases of H1N1 starting from this day, hour, minute, mini minute. Oh no, getting worry and today my class had 12 people absent because of the H1N1. So scrary......
So everybody, be carebful of yourself and remember to wash hands!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sorry! I was wrong...

Sorry guys! now only i kno tat i was wrong....sorry, it's all my fault...pls forgive me tat i said stupid words 2 u's me who chosen 2 stand behind n cant run so fast.....
now only i kno my mistakes, SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ARGGGHHHH~~~~~~hate tis game very much! y every1 juz treat me like a child?! i'm already d age of 1x !!!! aspecially Ting Dong Bell! she ask me 2 stand behind her juz bcoz she dun wanna go 1st! "WAT DO U MEAN?! TING DONG BELL?! U THOUGHT I DUNNO AR? HUH?! U THOUGHT I STUPID A? I NOE UR HABITS 1, U JUZ KEEP THINKING OF URSELF! U DIDNT EVEN THINK OF UR FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!"
or it's bcoz of d games wrong, everybody run so fast n didnt even let me rest! i juz...juz wanna cry like hell!!!!!!!!! u all juz make me feel like i'm USELESS!!! USELESS!!! u kno? OKAY,OKAY! MY FAULT! CAT N MICE HUH? FINE!!!!USELESS ME!!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hell & Heaven

YAHOO~~~~~d hell of competition has juz ended...(feeling like a freedom bird) damn happy man...after receiving all tis "competition pressure", i've...i've finally free like a bird!!!!!!!!!!(^^)yippy ya ya yippy yippy ya, yippy ya ya yippy yippy ya,yippy ya ya, yippy yippy ya ya, yippy yippy ya ya yippy yippy ya!!!!!YAHOO
BUT, d other hell has gonna begin...(cry) d hell of exam!!!!!!!!!!NO! why...why?! who can tell me WHY?!huh? why...........(cry--------) d age of mine, i'll always hav many pressures....nvm la...everything shoud b ok after college~^^